Kerry Washington, the acclaimed actress known for her roles in hit shows like Scandal, recently graced the streets of New York City with her husband Nnamdi Asomugha for the Ralph Lauren Fall/Holiday 2024 fashion show. The 47-year-old star put on a chic and glamorous display, showcasing her impeccable style in a vibrant ensemble.
Donning a bright green, silk button-down paired with a bold purple maxi skirt adorned with sparkling rhinestones, Washington exuded elegance and confidence. She added height to her look with a pair of brown, satin platform heels, highlighting her toned legs through the skirt’s thigh-high slit. The actress accessorized her ensemble with a metallic bronze belt, a shiny metallic handbag, and an array of colorful, beaded necklaces that added a touch of playfulness to her outfit.
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